Our Story

We decided to call it “Miracle Week”. That key choice began to define the way this experience would change our lives.

We began announcing our pregnancy to our family Christmas Eve 2017. Then for the very last gift of Christmas morning, Mom had a very special surprise for Dad and the kids…

Twenty fingers, twenty toes,
Plenty of work, Heaven knows!
Four little arms to hold so tight,
Four little cheeks to kiss goodnight.

The miracles of modern science confirmed that these were to be identical twin girls – one egg split into two. We couldn’t be more excited as we prepared cribs, double strollers, and coordinated outfits! We watched YouTube videos of the most adorable twins and the bonds of partnership they had. We were anxious! (Both excited and a little scared…)

Mom and babies were monitored very carefully, with sometimes weekly ultrasounds. Julia measured about 5 days behind Hallie, and both were as healthy and perfect as could be.

On Tuesday, May 22nd, only a few days after our 32-week ultrasound at a routine OB appointment, they were having a hard time finding Julia’s heartbeat. They moved to an ultrasound, and to everyone’s surprise Julia’s heart had completely stopped.

Dad didn’t want to believe this was final, as a man of faith, hoping for a miracle. “I received my answer as I rushed home to meet my wife in an unmistakable and repeated whispering from the Spirit, ‘this is God’s plan; it is okay.’” We were strengthened by recalling the account of Job, “the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” This did not however stop the sobbing.

We were admitted into the hospital for constant monitoring of little Hallie and prepared for her C-section removal at a moment’s notice. Grandma and Grandpa Hall brought the kids over that evening. Breaking the news to them was heart wrenching. However, we were moved at the way siblings and parents held and supported one another – this is exactly the kind of together-forever family we strive for.

In the morning, our doctor prayed with us and determined to proceed to C-section. On Wednesday, May 23rd at 11:07 am, Julia Faith Hall was stillborn at 2 lbs. 13 oz. Hallie Hope Hall followed a minute later, weighing 3 lbs. 8 oz.

The heart-wrenching loss, the sudden realization of the frailty of life, and the joy tied to our tiny, fragile baby in NICU combined into a blur of emotions. In search of a name for the folder to collect photos, we decided to call it “Miracle Week”. That key choice began to define the way this experience would change our lives.

In that moment, we began to recognize the amazing support we were receiving from every side – from truly inspired individuals and from entire programs designed just for us! Read more on the list of miracles and blessings we experienced here.

On May 26th, Mom got to do skin-to-skin with Hallie for the very first time. “That moment felt like the start of my healing process, being so close to her gave me strength and something to look forward to.” That Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) became a sacred place to us. We would spend at least three hours a day there for the next 19 days, watching our little one check off one milestone after another.

On Sunday, June 10th, Hallie got to come home to her very excited family, marking the beginning of a whole new story uniquely hers to someday share.

Everyone’s story is different. Your pain is personal and unique to you; your healing journey is your own individual path to discover. While you may not experience the same losses or blessings, we are convinced that no one is alone. Our message is simply this: through faith and hope, your eyes can be opened to the love, miracles and blessings that are with you through your journey. And that is what caused us to grow, rather than stumble through our adversity.

With love and gratitude,

Phil and Alicia Hall

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